Modern design is a direct actor of the acceleration of production and consumption cycles. We designers have very often lost the link to the systemic and politic aspects of our practice. We have fed the Anthropocene. As designers, what is our role, what are our duties?
> Common Future(s) was born to try to draw an answer to this question. It has several ambitions: offer new tools, new points of view and new design spaces to the current generation of designers, contribute to the training of future ones, foster a transdisciplinary collaboration between designers and researchers, creators, makers, actors of the Commons, community creators, people creating free and open source artifacts to tackle together the challenges of tomorrow's design. We want to take our part and utilise design to create a variety of tales and stories that will feed necessary systemic changes.
During 2019, Common Future(s) consolidated their approach and were invited to talk about it on stage within several events. Here is the video of one of them, "Design for desirable futures" (Forum PHP 2019) (also, in French :P).
2020 will be dedicated to publishing our open-source, open-design anthropocenic design heuristics. This first tool will guide anyone who creates systems or artifacts through thinking their design in an anthropocenic perimeter, following radical design principles. The second project is a documentary newsletter. Through 2019, new meeting days will be organised in Lyon & Paris, France and Lausanne, Switzerland.
If you wish to setup a meeting day somewhere else, please use > Common Future(s) as a free space at your disposal.
We are still young and looking for support, you can follow us and give a hand!